A transformat o rabla de masina intr-un lucru cu adevarat incredibil

Un bărbat din Lituania a transformat mașina veche într-o operă de artă, folosindu-se doar de spumă poliuretanică și carton.


Pentru început, bărbatul a luat o mașină Mercedes-Benz CLK din cimitirul de mașini și a început să o șlefuiască și să-i aducă îmbunătățiri până când a transformat-o radical.

Bărbatul s-a folosit de spumă poliuretanică pentru a-i da o nouă formă și de cartoane banale pentru a ajuta spuma să se întărească exact în forma dorită.


După multe zile de muncă și multă spumă consumată, mașina a fost gata. Noul design este unul cu totul și cu totul special



this guy turned this not so good looking car to something incredible #2

this guy turned this not so good looking car to something incredible #3

this guy turned this not so good looking car to something incredible #4

Once you`ve acquired the vehicle, now you lay down some expanding foam. I know this looks like a disaster...but bear with me. #5


Time to carve out your vision. This is the hard part... #6

this guy turned this not so good looking car to something incredible #7


Post sculpting, you`re starting to see a new shape. #8


Good ol` cardboard to stencils help the car really take shape. Next, it`s time to smooth and detail the exterior. #9


I promise you this is NOT the final color. We`re still in the sculpting phase. #10


After all, do you know anyone who drives a Robin`s Egg Blue car around? LOL. #11


Looks alright, I guess...but we`re not nearly done. #12


Ain`t nothin` sexy `bout that backside. #13


Dream cars have curves. The difference is in the subtle nuances. #14

this guy turned this not so good looking car to something incredible #15


Headlights are also 100% necessary but surprisingly simple to install. #16


Finally, we see a pretty shape. But it`s still so... #17


...unfinished and blah. #18

this guy turned this not so good looking car to something incredible #19


Mixing up more product! What happens next will blow your mind. #20


A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Kinda like a secret recipe from grandma…only you should not try to eat this stuff. Trust me.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Kinda like a secret recipe from grandma...only you should not try to eat this stuff. Trust me. #21


But wait   before we bring the exterior to it`s final glory   we can`t leave our interior untouched! #22


After all, dream cars beautiful inside and out. Sort of like the person you want to fall in love with someday... #23


this guy turned this not so good looking car to something incredible #24


Again, the difference is in the details. Your car is an extension of your home. Make it nice. #25


Boom. The gloriously restored interior. The (c)artist`s attention to shape and size really shines through in this work. #26


The exterior with a fresh coat of gloss. #27


RIMS!!! #28


Bootylicious view. #29


Car`s got curves for DAYS! #30


I told you it would get sexier. #31

