Restaurantul din cer: Cum sa mananci la peste 50 de metri inaltime!

Daca crezi ca pana acum te-ai plimbat prin destule locuri cool din lume, iata ceva care cu siguranta iti va taia respiratia.

Se numeste „Dinner in the Sky” si este un restaurant unic in lume, unde invitatii servesc masa suspendati in aer, la o inaltime de peste 50 de metri. Mesele sunt agatate de bratul unei macarale, iar amatorii de senzatii tari nu au nimic sub picioare.

Musafirii pot sta imobilizati pe scaunul lor, prinsi cu centuri de siguranta pana la opt ore. Ei pot, de asemenea, sa ceara in plus o alta platforma suspendata cu o formatie muzicala care sa-i incante pe toata perioada sederii la inaltime.

1The Restaurant In the Sky
2The Restaurant In the Sky
3The Restaurant In the Sky
4The Restaurant In the Sky
5The Restaurant In the Sky
6The Restaurant In the Sky
7The Restaurant In the Sky
8The Restaurant In the Sky
9The Restaurant In the Sky
10The Restaurant In the Sky
11The Restaurant In the Sky
12The Restaurant In the Sky
13The Restaurant In the Sky
14The Restaurant In the Sky
15The Restaurant In the Sky

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