Tinerii din Japonia au intrecut masura! Uite cat de ciudat se imbraca pe strada

Ca moda din ziua de astazi a luat-o pur si simplu razna, nu cred ca ar mai fi nevoie de mentionat, dar uitandu-ma la imagini cu tinerii din Japonia si vazand cu ce se imbraca m-am cutremurat.
Se pare ca denumirea de hipster este demult depasita in minuata Japonie.
Fetele seamana tot mai mult cu niste papusi, baietii parca vin din basme, iar culorile roz si rosu sunt la tot pasul

2Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

3Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

4Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

5Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

6Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

7Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

8Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

9Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

10Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

11Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

12Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

13Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

14Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

15Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

16Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

17Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

18Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

19Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

20Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

21Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

22Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

23Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

24Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

25Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

26Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

27Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

28Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

29Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

30Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

31Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

32Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

33Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

34Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

35Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

36Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

37Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

38Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

39Bizarre Fashion Trends of the Japanese Youth

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