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Cum sunt photoshopate vedetele. VEZI AICI demonstratie live!

Stim bine ca marile vedete nu arata asa de bine pe cat credem noi sau pe cat vedem noi in poze.Ei bine, in spatele unei imagini stralucitoare cu vreo pitipoanca „pefecta” sta o armata de oameni care au ochiul fomat si stiu cum ar trebui sa arate copul perfect…cel putin in mediul virtual. PS: Nu exista gagici mai misto decat cele stilizate in Photoshop 😉


Photoshop can be used for both great and terrible things. But if you ask me there's nothing worse than taking a perfectly beautiful natural woman and turning her into an alien-barbie-like abomination. Your thoughts?



photoshoped girls 06 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



enhance female photos photoshop 0 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



photoshoped girls 02 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



enhance female photos photoshop 1 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



photoshoped girls 03 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



enhance female photos photoshop 2 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



photoshoped girls 04 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



enhance female photos photoshop 3 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



photoshoped girls 05 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



enhance female photos photoshop 5 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



photoshoped girls 08 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



No GIF here, but you get the point

No GIF here, but you get the point



enhance female photos photoshop 7 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)



photoshoped girls 10 How to enhance a photo. And by enhance I mean horrifically butcher (15 Photos)


Via The Chive

