Daca crezi ca stii la ce te uiti, probabil te inseli. M-am uitat mai bine la aceste fotografii si MI-A EXPLODAT MINTEA! E WOW

Artistul Ivan Hoo bulverseaza lumea cu picturile sale anamorfice care pacalesc ochii.

Ivan se foloseste de lemn pe care picteaza diverse lucruri intr-un mod atat de realist incat te uiti la desen si nu-ti vine sa crezi. Lemnul este folosit pentru ca, spune el, are o textura perfecta pentru astfel de desene si fixeaza foarte bine culorile.


Lucrand intr-un mod ingenios cu pensula pe lemn, Ivan recreeaza obiecte care la prima vedere par a exista in realitate. Oua sparte, pahare rasturnate sau gauri in lemn toate sunt de senate de Ivan intr-un mod atat de realist incat iti vine sa pui mana pe ele pentru a te convinge ca exista si in realitate.


Artistul isi face publice desenele si pe contul sau de Instagram, acolo unde are aproape 100.000 de fani care il urmaresc zi de zi si se minuneaza de creatiile sale.

The medium he chose is special. #1


The wood gives his pieces depth he otherwise wouldn`t have had. #2

And the pastels pop on the wood, too. #3


He used to focus on creating portraits. #4


Then, he got an idea. #5


What if he started drawing events or  happenings  on the wood? #6


The action you`re supposed to be seeing almost draws you in. #7


The  dripping  effect was his first idea. #8


Then, he moved on to using different textures. #9


They are all brilliant. #10


You want to just reach out and touch them... #11


Absolutely amazing. #12


By posting his art on Instagram, he gained confidence. There was lots of positive feedback. #13

